
5/29(Sun) Minami-Senju Walking with Arakawa Furusato Museum

開催場所: 南千住駅 [ 東京都 ]

日時: 2016年05月29日(13:00)~2016年05月29日(16:00)

Minami-Senju Walking with Arakawa Furusato Museum!!

Minami-Senju was developed as the first post station on the way from Edo to Nikko in the Edo period (1603-1868). Now you can enjoy both the west side, which is filled with historical relics and remains and, the east side, Shioiri Area,which recently is in the huge renovating process.(Source:http://www.city.arakawa.tokyo.jp/index.html)

【Walking Course】

Enmei-ji Temple, site of the Kozukappara execution ground(小塚原刑場跡)
There were execution grounds in Shinagawa and this neighborhood during the Edo period. Execution's were carried out until the beginning of the Meiji period.
(Enmei-ji Temple/ Photo:http://shootingtokyo.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/07/02/232509)

Entsu-ji Temple(円通寺)
Memorial services were held by the head priest at Entsu-ji Temple for the samurai warriors who belonged to shogi-tai Unit and fell in the battle of Ueno in 1868.
Therefore, this black gate was moved here from kanei-ji Temple in Ueno where the battle had broken out. Bullet holes on the gate convey how fierce the battle was.

It's traditional bakery which has opened since 1958.
You can buy delicious bread here.

Brick Fence(旧千住製絨所煉瓦塀)
This brick fence is a historical relic of the first national wool fabric factory in Japan.

Arakawa Furusato Museum(荒川ふるさと文化会館)
This is an institution for studying the history and culture of Arakawa City. There is also a restored house based on a house from around 1966. The Hashimoto Sanai's grave Sayado,which was at Eko-in Temple,was donated to arakawa city, and restored and preserved here.
(Arakawa Furusato Museum/Photo:http://goo.gl/cEUiKc)

Susanoo-jinja Shrineすさのお神社(素盞雄神社)
This tutelary shrine guards the largest area in Arakawa City.
The Mikoshi, or portable shrine, of this shrine has impact as it is very large.
It is also famous for a tablet stone with the inscription of haiku poetry. This poem is extracted from"Narrow Road to the Deep North", written by Matsuo Basho,a haiku poet in the Edo period.

Minami-Senju Station(南千住駅)
These places are some of the examples we will visit. You would find more nice spots on the day! Don't Miss out this time! :-)

Note: The walking course might change on the day, thank you for your understanding.


【Meeting Spot】
We will meet at JR Mninami-Senju Station West Exit between 13:00 and 13:15.

1000yen (Entrance Fee + Meetup Fee)

Just click going button!

We are looking forward to meeting you all!:-)

Tokyo International Friends
(Please join our Facebook group!)

#walking #tokyo

